Evil Dead Rise
Evil Dead Rise (2023) is the fifth film in the franchise directed by Sam Raimi which is scheduled to be released in April 2023. So, what kind of story will be raised this time?
Evil Dead Rise tells of the discovery of the Necronomicon, or Book of the Dead, which released evil demons into the world. The story follows Beth (Lily Sullivan), who visits her older sister, Ellie (Alyssa Sutherland), in Los Angeles.
Ellie lives in an apartment with her three children alone. One day, Ellie's son, Danny (Morgan Davies), finds the Necronomicon book which brings disaster on them all.
One of them is the awakening of the evil demon that possessed Ellie. Beth also had to try to survive and get all of her family out of the apartment, including saving Ellie. Will he succeed?
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